This is a play perspective rather than a book review. The majority of RPG 'reviews' are really book reviews and are generally not that helpful. Do you like pretty art? Do you expect chapters on character generation and background lore? Yes you will like this game, and almost every other RPG in print. I've played a few sessions of the One Ring with a fairly novice GM and skimmed the rule book. All sessions have been online. Its OK., there's your summary. I'll layout my sandbox, then give the negatives and end with the positives in case anyone reads this wanting to justify their purchase, or future purchase. I have a wargamer mindset. This does not mean I think every game should have a CRT or crunchy minis rules for combat, quite the opposite, but it does mean I expect there to be a strategy game in an RPG book, and one that a GM of modest ability can bring out. My view is that the vast majority of RPG products completely fail to achieve what Gygax and Arneson did i...
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